Thursday, April 27, 2006

Get Together

Get Together

It is similar to farewell party. In that we (the frnds of both class) are enjoyed by playing and chatting with friends. Hope we enjoyed that function. It is the rememberence for our life about that particular day(26-4-2006) in Vijay Park inn(Hotel). As the some rules of the college guys couldnt talk to gls and vice versa. Even though some of them r talking with each other. Some of them they can't. So this was the great day that we should not forget in the life. Like these we should conduct atleast every year once. Some of them got chance to speak thouse who don't know. And some of them came to Beach. From their also enjoyed by all. Our Beach Chief guest is Miss Geetha (Our Favourate Teacher) has attended in that enjoyable meet. We should thank our chief guest. So Please keep touch with ur friends .....

with cheers and without tears

UR's Lovingly frnd
Karthik GowriKumar

Take care and Bye bye...............................


Friday, April 07, 2006

About College days

About College days

When we joining in college we don't know any one. As day goes we are introducing our self. After some days passed we are cutting our class and enjoying lot. By chatting, ragging, etc, such that we are enjoying. Some of them keeping arrears and they are clearing in fore comming semister. So we enjoying and passing the college days. When we came to Final year we got some fear like we are missing our friends. Even though contact with friends are there but college life is past. So that kind of enjoyment will be missing. So we should spend atleast one day per year enjoy with our friends. So dont forget the true and best friends. In our life all friends are good and best friends but some situation they become wrong. So Dont neglet good friends in your life.

UR's lovingly Friend